Atlantic Resolve 2022
In March 2022, a 2 large roll-on roll-off ships with American equipment was unloaded in Vlissingen. This equipment was stationed in Europe for a period of 9 months. During this 9 -month period there is a lot of practices in various European countries. The army spotters were a day to take a few nice pictures of the discharge of the naval ship Cape Washington. Later in the week the rest of the equipment was brought with the civil transport ship Arc Endurance.
In 2022, the army spotters were watching the large relocation of American equipment from the United States to Europe for a day. In this case, the port of Vlissingen was used as a transit port by the US Army.
This time units of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) of the 4th Infantry Division were set ashore in transit towards Poland and Lithuania. Where this brigade participates in a large number of exercises with European partners.
Every 6 months the unit in question is changed with a new brigade from the United States. This is done through different ports and airports through Europe.
In the photo gallery for Atlantic Resolve 2022 you will find a few beautiful photos.